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pelanggaran privacy ada pedoman sederhana

Khusus untuk pelanggaran privacy ada pedoman sederhana yang ditawarkan oleh Black, Steele dan barney (1999) dalam bukunya “Doing Ethics in Journalism”. A JOURNALIST’s CHECKLIST ABOUT PRIVACY 1. how important is the information I am seeking? Does the public have right to know?
A Need to know? Merely a desire or curiosity to know? 2. what level of protection do individuals involved in the story deserve? How much harm might they receive? Are they involved in the news event by choice or by happenstance? 3. Do I know the facts well enough to sort out the roles of individuals involved? What else do I need to know? 4. How would I feel if I were being subjected to the same scrutiny? 5. How best can I weigh the concerns of highly vulnerable individuals ( such as children, victims, family members ) whose privacy might be invaded? Should I talk directly to them to better understand the impact my actions could have on them? 6. What can I do to minimize the privacy invasion and the harm it might cause? Can I broaden the story to include more “victims”, thereby minimizing harm to select few? 7. Should I be focusing on the system failure of the big issue picture as opposed to focusing intensely on individuals? 8. Can I clearly and fully justify my thinking and decision about privacy? To those directly involved? To the public? 9. Do I need to include others in the decision making to gain more perspective?
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